Study Visa

Study Visa Services

At Applyway Study, we specialise in helping students achieve their dreams of studying abroad. Our comprehensive study visa services ensure a seamless application process, tailored to your unique educational goals.

Recently Citizenship and Immigration Canada have made changes to the rules for International Students Program. As per the new rules the students can work part-time up to 20 hours in a week without any work permit. This maks it feasible for the students to work on-campus and off-campus while learning more about Canada and its diverse culture.

You must be accepted at a designated Learning Institute
Should be able to provide proof of financial support for your education
students who have completed a short-term course or program of study that is a condition for acceptance at a designated institution.


  • SCO 85-86 1st Floor Sector 17-D, Chandigarh, 160017.
  • +91 7-982 70982
Our Services Why Applyway Start Journey

Personalised Consultation: Expert advice on choosing the right study destination and visa type.
Application Assistance: Detailed guidance on preparing and submitting your visa application.
Document Preparation: Support in gathering and organising necessary documents.
Interview Coaching: Preparation to excel in your visa interview.
Post-Visa Support: Assistance with pre-departure arrangements and settling in your new country.

Expertise: In-depth knowledge of international education and visa regulations.

Personalised Approach: Tailored support to match your academic and career aspirations.

Proven Success: High success rate in securing study visas for students worldwide.

Take the first step towards your international education. Contact us today to learn more about our study visa  services. Visit our website or call our support team for personalised assistance.

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